Header ve footer içinde yer alan kısa bölümlerin çevirisini *bazı yerlerde kelime seçimlerimin doğruluğundan emin olmamak üzere* yaptım. Şimdi sıra konu içeriklerinin ve interaktif uygulamada yer alan…
Erika kindly extracted the data into a usable format. Might do some quick editing/culling first:
combinatorial method,méthode combinatoire
Allow to pass a semi-positive matrix such that the objective function is
β = inv(X.'W * X + Γ) * X.'W * y
**Submitting authors:** Rui Xiang Yu, Rico Chan & Kevin Yu
**Repository:** https://github.com/DSCI-310-2024/dsci-310_group-7_wine-quality-prediction/releases/tag/milestone3
BIC and AIC seem to often favor knee over fixed models, even if the spectrum looks pretty "linear" in loglog
The current techniques used in the linear models are sub-par and numerically unstable. There are better techniques available that we should use. This is most notably an issue for the GLM module - but …
this is mainly to add a link
discussion how to use ols and linear regression