Round brackets are legal characters for SN (AI 21) but if there are 2 left round brackets or a couple of brackets then a result DataMatrix is incorrect:
Tem um repo por ai, que tinha um explicativo do que era o Coding Dojo, simples, direto, mas ainda assim não responde as dúvidas de iniciantes.
Questões importantes... eu acho!
- Como fazer um Coding …
## Source
The source of the issue (ex: Customer: #CustomerName#).
## Feedback
Opening this thread up for discussion on how we might incorporate GPT/AI tools into ProudCity.
## QA
Where to find the 1B and 7B models?
On a déjà un embryon de mentions légales (`/fr/pages/about`), mais il faudrait les améliorer, et ajouter les CGU et la politique de confidentialité. Au passage, devons-nous déclarer le site a la CNIL …
**About the project:**
Expunge Assist is a free digital tool designed to aid Californians with arrest and conviction histories in clearing their criminal records. A personal statement is the most im…
The basic functionality is for client to drop their employment contract and the legal workflow extracts out key information like
1. legal parties to the agreement;
2. the section which contains non-…
Cada imagem está de um tamanho e aí o repositório fica com uma aparência meio de bagunça e alguns memes acabam chamando mais atenção que outros. Seria legal se todas as imagens aparecessem com a mesma…
גורמים לשוחח איתם:
ווביקס, קלאודאדג', מיקרוסופט
From alca.ai:
> It is quite common for entities to change their names. Consider adding "pastName array[array[string, start date, end date]]". This would help tracking companies, when doing internet…