# 反向代理配置 https://www.digitalocean.com/com…
(希望能请教一下nginx和xray server的配置要如何修改可以实现如下结果)
# 1. 期望结果
1) 流入xray请求的SNI和伪装的目标网站一致
2) 通过nginx筛选SNI, 不符合伪装的SNI连接均拒绝
# 2. 尝试过程
## 2.1 实现思路
I came across a game that have audio files with .awb, .acb, awb.ppart and acb.ppart format. vgmstream can't play ppart files but plays .awb and .acb perfectly fine. Idk if ppart are splitted but there…
Cannot connect to Xray server via VLESS+Reality.
Not sure what I did wrong. I tried my best following the official examples for both server and client configs.
# Xray server log
When user tried to update their Banner without setting a new avatar, server will return 500 and nothing happens.
# Overview
Create a simple way for users to set some basic settings.
## Breakdown
1. Create API for:
- Updating profile picture
- Updating bio
2. Create frontend for actions specified abov…
Hi, dear developer!
Will you be able to project non xposed apk for hiding root? I'm currently on 7.1.1 nougat and so, there is no framework for xposed for now... I did try systemless supersu with suh…
This is the crash log:
Process: IINA [59798]
Path: /Applications/IINA.app/Contents/MacOS/IINA
Identifier: com.colliderli.iina
Version: …
"apps": {
"http": {
"servers": {
"chika": {
"listen": [