Like the uPNP ticket describes, if you're behind a router, it's difficult to
setup notifications. It would be great if the notifications could be posted to
an HTTP(s) URL. The Desktop notifie…
Like the uPNP ticket describes, if you're behind a router, it's difficult to
setup notifications. It would be great if the notifications could be posted to
an HTTP(s) URL. The Desktop notifie…
Like the uPNP ticket describes, if you're behind a router, it's difficult to
setup notifications. It would be great if the notifications could be posted to
an HTTP(s) URL. The Desktop notifie…
Android 2.1
Windows 7 x64
Bluetooth paired successfully, notification method set to Bluetooth and notify
all but notification unsuccessful.
I/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp( 2261): event_filter: Recei…
Android 2.1
Windows 7 x64
Bluetooth paired successfully, notification method set to Bluetooth and notify
all but notification unsuccessful.
I/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp( 2261): event_filter: Recei…
Android 2.1
Windows 7 x64
Bluetooth paired successfully, notification method set to Bluetooth and notify
all but notification unsuccessful.
I/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp( 2261): event_filter: Recei…
Android 2.1
Windows 7 x64
Bluetooth paired successfully, notification method set to Bluetooth and notify
all but notification unsuccessful.
I/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp( 2261): event_filter: Recei…
Android 2.1
Windows 7 x64
Bluetooth paired successfully, notification method set to Bluetooth and notify
all but notification unsuccessful.
I/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp( 2261): event_filter: Recei…
Android 2.1
Windows 7 x64
Bluetooth paired successfully, notification method set to Bluetooth and notify
all but notification unsuccessful.
I/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp( 2261): event_filter: Recei…
Hello, I'm just trying to send suricata alerts to telegram bot and I new to this stuff so I get this error