Allow hardware control of plugin through ONVIF, with the option to set port number, username and password, and a feed of current PTZ Camera being controlled with name, or Just the name and IP address…
Tracking issue for:
- [ ] https://github.com/edgexfoundry/device-onvif-camera/security/code-scanning/1
Is any workaround to force the default ONVIF stream to another path?
My NVR can't recognize the camera audio …
From #4:
> continuous_move.py is just an EXAMPLE. It works well ONLY with MY CAMERA. you should use onvif-cli or ONVFIService of this lib to test your camera.
Might i suggest adding those file na…
I've got an issue with my h51ga camera, firmware version 0.3.2, base version It frequently (once or twice an hour) reboots.
Here are some info :
Plop updated
2 months ago
This is my response. Please help
400 - Bad Request
SOAP-ENV:BodySOAP-ENV:FaultSOAP-ENV:CodeSOAP-ENV:ValueSOAP-ENV:SenderSOAP-ENV:ReasonMethod 'GetStreamUri' not implemented: method name or names…
Hi all, I'm successfully using the zoom function in ONVIF using the same mycam details, but can't get the Imaging Focus Move function to work.
I set up a request as follows:
from onvif import ONVI…
Thanks for your hard work on this and keeping the original onvif library a life! It looks like you have added a digest http client on top, well done! Currently I'm having issues with some Hikvision ru…
python xxx.py admin password http://xxx:80 '{"method":"do","motor":{"move":{"x_coord":"0","y_coord":"10"}}}'
返回{'error_code': -40106}
Hello, I bought a Reolink Lumus not too long ago and noticed that it doesn't support ONVIF or RTSP so I stumbled across this project and now, use it to integrate my Reolink Cams with the RTSP Streams …