This minor release includes several usability improvements for the server and client arising from the OPTIMADE workshop.
This release also drops support for Python 3.7, which should allow us to strea…
Several packages we depend on are dropping Python 3.7 support, driven I guess by NumPy's deprecation timeline: https://numpy.org/neps/nep-0029-deprecation_policy.html
Dependabot does not show us up…
Followin the short discussion @ml-evs in the [forum](https://matsci.org/t/loading-optimade-structures-using-python-tools/38131), I would like to suggest adding a small functionality similar to what al…
I noticed that when that during the test on GitHub for the hdf5 response format, my tests failed for the Elasticsearch backend.
After some digging, I discovered that the query '/structures?filter=_e…
There are currently 3 issues reported by [Safety](https://github.com/pyupio/safety) concerning FastAPI being set to an older version. Since this is dictated by OPTIMADE Python tools, this should be fi…
The 2dstructures, that have `dimension_types": [ 1, 1, 0],` don't handle cells correctly: it's not visualized and not included in the downloaded files (e.g. cifs).
See e.g.
Currently running into an issue with the 0.17.1 release: https://github.com/Materials-Consortia/optimade-python-tools/actions/runs/2333110723/workflow
Looks like a simple typo.
An OPTIMADE parse strategy would parse a raw OPTIMADE response using the [pydantic data models](https://www.optimade.org/optimade-python-tools/latest/all_models/) from [OPTIMADE Python tools](https://…
Hi there, we've just been hit with an issue due to `aiida-core`'s dependence on this package at [`optimade-python-tools`](https://github.com/Materials-Consortia/optimade-python-tools/) ([CI failure li…
This minor release contains fixes recommended for those deploying the optimade-python-tools reference server:
- The `meta->data_returned` field was previously incorrect when using the MongoDB backe…