Respected Sir,
I want to add more Evolutionary/Genetic Algorithms and its application in machine learning in your project. Presently Evolutionary or population based algorithms are used in various Mu…
I am trying to perform Anderson F.C., el al., A Dynamic Optimization Solution for Vertical Jumping, and to find a solution through optimization. There is something that me and some students want to te…
The comparison between programs is not totally fair, because they use different algorithms.
For instance comparing geometry optimization with NWChem with that of ERKALE is not really meaningful, beca…
I would like to contribute the Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm (as described https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ant_colony_optimization_algorithms). Should I proceed with the implementation ?
Model: "model"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param # Co…
### Team Name:
### Project Description:
Almost everyone knows about stocks, and many take their well-earned money to invest in the ones they feel may be profitable. Through utili…
Thanks for this helpful geometry processing library
Question: According to https://github.com/cnr-isti-vclab/vcglib/blob/devel/vcg/complex/algorithms/local_optimization/tri_edge_collapse_quadric_t…
The AFO algorithm and other GA and PSO algorithms are used to solve the uncertain multimodal transport route optimization problem. At the sa…
It's increasingly harder to reach SOL on newer GPU architectures, starting with A100 and H100, especially for simple kernels, like:
`thrust::transform(..., thrust::plus{})`, which basi…
(Tried to select "bug" template but it wouldn't let me select any.)
I just installed ghc8.10.5 (via ghcup) on macOS Big Sur (11.4).
I did a "cabal update" (cabal 3.4) and then started rebuilding a l…