I used Windows Notepad to open the install.sh file and then partially paste the code of this file during installation due to my network issues. In the end, I successfully executed all the commands and…
I've tinkered a little bit with your code in order to make it run fullscreen and I placed an instruction in `/etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart` to make it autostart when the LXDE starts. The …
I'm trying to get picamera to stream indefinitely and I think the wait_record is close to --timeout in raspivid. When I try to use it, its throwing exceptions.
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ pip3 list | grep…
According to @KoshiroRobot ([YT video](https://youtu.be/KnYSuQEBGHc?t=583)), the 60 fps of the camera seems to be the limiting factor for a ball bouncing controller.
I like this project and I'm thi…
After installing everything and running the Object_detection_picamera.py python script, I am getting this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Object_detection_picamera.py", line 82, …
threw an error when trying to add an enabled Pi camera connected to Pi4B via ribbon cable
Error 500: Internal Server Error
Something bad happened but it's probably not your fault. Letting the de…
Hi Andrew!
First of all thanks for your solution, it works well, and very useful!
Unfortunately I stucked into one problem, and hope that you can give me some hints.
I have a Raspberry Pi 3 w…
i am trying to use teachable machine export result image trained file *.tflite file
on the tensorflow lite, raspberry pi 3
but i got error which is
`Traceback (most recent call last)…
I installed openflexure_microscope and your modified version of picamera.with some difficulty because with Python3. After that openflexure_microscope --no_stage works without problem
Now I'm trying -…
**Please only ask one question per issue!**
**Describe what it is that you want to accomplish**
Hello I have been testing the frameserver.py example modified to detect motion and record some video …