Piko is missing a lot of configuration options, such as gossip, cluster, timeouts, ...
The configuration documentation is also a bit light
It might also be worth splitting configuration into 'ba…
Hello, I made a project on the breadboard.
VGA connected according to the RGBY 1111 scheme.
Keyboard via USB.
It works!
Emulator does not see memory card
I used data from table Wiring->General…
![2024-05-24 02_59_17-Piko - Date and Time is not loading right](https://github.com/heksagonnet/piko/assets/32630610/7682d922-4836-45f3-b171-e7e2ce4bd686)
What do you think that caused that?
I'm r…
Is it possible to hook up the modules like RFID sensor CC1101 and oled display with raspberry piko w board and connect ESP 32 as well with wires and program both board separately by using their USB po…
Za svoj zadnji graf poskušam z interneta pridobiti podatke preko APIja, kjer bom z analizo pogosto pojavljenih besed v člankih našel poveazavo med uspehom delnic in pozitivnim/negativnim odzivom ljuds…
pri pridobivanju podatkov s spletnih strani za projekt pri APPR, sem naletela na težavo pri eni od tabel. Ker je uvožena v CSV obliki zelo neuporabna, ste mi na vajah nekaj že pomagal…
Zanima me zakaj mi tak koda za graf:
# prikaz spremembe populacije po letih
This is just a cosmetic feature but it would be a great little touch to the patch.
The birdhouse home icon vs the current home icon:
Say you have a cluster with 6 nodes, then a network partition means one half of the cluster can't talk to the other half
Currently Piko will end up with 2 smaller clusters, where each considers the…