As it was unclear if it was working for Google Colab, I test it and I manage to install it for ComfyUi without anaconda or anything using this :
!pip install pytorch==2.1.2 torchvision==0.16.2…
Environment: ubuntu18.04 cuda11.4 pytorch 1.11.0+cu113
(base) siat@siat-Precision-3640-Tower:~/work/machine_learning/PointRCNN-master/pointnet2_lib/pointnet2$ python setup.py install
@charlesq34 Hi, thank you for sharing your pointnet2 code.
Is the semantic segmentation code incomplete? According to your paper, I want to try the point set segmentation for semantic scene labeling…
我将输入固定为B*C*N 然后用torch.onnx.export但无法转换成功,有没有大佬可以提供方法?
Did anyone encounter this problem and know how to fix it ?
I first run `python -m pointnet2.train.train_cls` under `python 3.6.8`, and there is an error:
> ImportError: Could not import _ext module.
> Please see the setup instructions in the README: http…
3bobo updated
5 years ago
The file `docs/INSTALL.md` references the following two directories in paths:
However, both directories seem to have been renamed to `spherical_mask`, so the correct path is now `…
## 🚀 Feature
In origin Pointnet paper, there's two Joint Alignment Networks.
In the classification roadmap:
the input -> input transform -> the first MLP layer -> feature transform -> the seco…
Is the evaluation of classification same as pointnet2(multi vote)?
Thank you very much?
**** EPOCH 000 ****
2018-08-12 21:10:32.686332
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "train.py", line 440, in
File "train.py", line 175, in train