I've not been able to create a new codespace to do development recently. I get permission errors and some mypy complaints.
Thanks for your contribution!
I am currently toying with my implementation of phoneme-level BERT for Chinese. and i have noticed a gap between
the phonemic prediction accuracy of the tokens overa…
Sik-Ho Tang. [Review — MoCo: Momentum Contrast for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning](https://sh-tsang.medium.com/review-moco-momentum-contrast-for-unsupervised-visual-representation-learnin…
Hey Solenne! The pipeline looks great, I just have some suggestions for documentation and project directory structure. The one marked as complete are ones that are in the glennSuggestion branch.
作者你好,非常欣赏你们的这篇工作,也感谢能开源代码。我这边看了论文,对3.2节的 “We propose a Positive Relation Detection (PRD)pretext task to detect the type of the positive pair (i.e., strong or weak), which is formulated as:.....where (…
Thanks for your nice work first.
Would you plan to release the pre-trained weights and provide details about how to run your code?
Right now we have this beautiful CodeChat authoring workflow, but it only functions well if the PTX file matches the produced HTML page. So we should use xi:include to ensure each section/chapter/fron…
Sik-Ho Tang. [Review: Representation Learning with Contrastive Predictive Coding (CPC/CPCv1)](https://sh-tsang.medium.com/review-representation-learning-with-contrastive-predictive-coding-cpc-cpcv1-8e…
Sik-Ho Tang. [Review — Colorful Image Colorization (Self-Supervised Learning)](https://sh-tsang.medium.com/review-colorful-image-colorization-self-supervised-learning-c2667640bd0a).