seahorse build
✗ Compiling calculator... (note: if this is your first time building, it might take a few minutes)
Error: anchor build -p calculator failed:
This is most likely a bug in the Seaho…
The chakra UI dependency specified in the package.json is outdated, not compatible with React - 18 and gives a lot of npm warnings and errors when installing by cloning the project. The stable version…
Instead of dynamically creating the account, we should provide an explicit flow. This will help prevent transactions from going over the tx size limit.
I am testing an SDK locally with `anchor test` which inits the Program object using the `.at()` static method. This works fine on devnet and mainnet since I uploading the IDLs via `anchor idl init`, b…
#173 and #59 point to missing UCUM units like `ARBITRARY_UNIT`. The UCUM catalog defines these as quantity type "arbitrary", should we add a quantity type `Artitrary` or is `Dimensionless` enough?
- [__Project__](https://metabuidl.nearspace.info/profile/32)
- __Type__: `average`
- __Category__: `defi` `trading`
- __Location__: `russia:moscow`
- __Remote__: `yes`
- __Required skills__: `reactjs`…
Is there a plan to correct the possibly incorrect LOINC codes in d_labitems (by either replacing the incorrect LOINC codes or creating a new column in the table)? The itemids of MIMIC-IV appear to be…
In the accounts struct, we separate the normal seeds and the bump seed.
How about we adjust `new_with_signer` to take a struct
struct CpiSeeds {
seeds: the &[&[...][..]] type,
While sending transaction with original solana address I get this exception, however all params are correct.
java.lang.Exception: invalidResponse(rpcError=RPCError(code=-32002, message=Transaction …
`token::clean` -> account must have: no delegate, no close authority