Verificar a possibilidade do site aceitar arquivos que apresentam o elemento ``.
Ticket relacionado: https://github.com/scieloorg/PC-Programs/issues/115
This helps users who are not able to access closed journals avoid frustration.
New prototype consumer at https://github.com/erinspace/PubMedCentral - Discussion continues here!
Not obvious how to know that an article contains data deposition from the PMC XML.
- Original article: https://peerj.com/articles/365/ XML version [here](https://peerj.com/articles/365.xml)
- PMC vers…
Notes from new content provider (adding old notes from mid June 2014):
Cleared SHARE criteria on 6/10/14
API Docs:
Spec is:
Add a reference that provides evidence of the relationship between this neuron and one of its elements.
>>>aval = PyOpenWorm.Neuron('AVAL')
Every dot is a successful request, every dash is a request that timeouted after 3 seconds. For the retrieval logic, check https://github.com/erlehmann/open-access-media-importer/commit/f1b2969d0970fb2…
So far, the search for newly published articles has still been performed manually by me, and it's now about time to automate that.
PMC's OA Service at
Some requests to the [endpoint](http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/utils/oa/oa.fcgi) (with correct parameters) of the [OA Web Service](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/tools/oa-service/) produce this re…
For #7.