######I am trying to run portfolio optimization example.
from cvxstoc import NormalRandomVariable, expectation, prob
from cvxpy import Maximize, Problem
from cvxpy.expressions.variab…
This would be required to rebuild same model after using lift test methods.
Currently missing:
- save the lift tests to the `fit_data` group
- upon load, add the lift tests to the model likelihood
### Description
We are looking for help to implement inverse cumulative distribution (ICDF) functions for our distributions!
### How to help?
This PR should give a template on how to implem…
Some distributions will likely not work because of the check for parent dims being a superset of the child. For instance,
from pymc_marketing.prior import Prior, UnsupportedShapeError
Is there any way to connect the jax-based [geometric kernels](https://github.com/geometric-kernels/GeometricKernels) package to pymc for this? It already connects to torch, tfp, gpjax
Secondly, I'm…
Sample from condition distributions in order to isolate variation in larger random variables / function of random variables
API might add a `do` parameter to `sample_` methods. For instance, a cond…
theano development has stopped, the effort has been forked to pytensor: https://github.com/pymc-devs/pytensor
Hi there,
I was experimentng with jax sampling and instead of running successive calls to sample_smc_blackjax (which I thought would be useful to compare the posteriors and enable rhat-like diagno…
I'm trying to install pymc-bart in a conda environment created with
`conda create -c conda-forge -n pymc_env "pymc>=4"`
coming directly from the PyMC installation instructions. The above install…
Isn't it better to move it to PyMC fit or at least delegate other…