I am middle of some customization with rails_admin. I found that the return_to params is ignored in delete action: https://github.com/sferik/rails_admin/blob/master/lib/rails_admin/config/actions/dele…
`RSpec.describe SomeClass, type: :request do`
a 'response' method is often referenced in these tests.
method_missing wi…
## Meta
Capybara Version: 3.40.0
Driver Information (and browser if relevant): selenium-webdriver 4.10.0 and Chrome
## Expected Behavior
"Continue" button is clicked sending a POST request to …
### Steps to reproduce
Create route with constraints:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
constraints host: "admin" do
resources :posts
Start console with `bin/ra…
Receipt is described here https://github.com/sferik/rails_admin/wiki/CarrierWave
I've add picture association to Testimonial model:
``` ruby
# app/models/testimonial.rb
class Testimonial < ActiveRe…
Hello, I know this gem is not actively maintained but I wanted to see if anyone is having the same issue and if there is a fix I can implement.
config.configure_with(:import) do |config|
I'm using tinymce-rails with activeadmin. The editor is loading just fine following the instructions in the readme. However the config options are not being read from the config/tinymce.yml file.
I'm using rails-admin for a while, in the last couple of weeks i started to suffer from a memory leak.
I use Skylight (Code profiler) and I saw that rails_admin require allot of memory.
Then I opened …
When rails_admin_globalize_field widget is used within a nested object, it does not work properly, as the tabs are not properly switched.
In this particular case, there will be more DOM elements wit…
Steps to get Rails 5 (edge):
`git clone git@github.com:/rails/rails.git`
`cd rails`
`bundle install`
`./railties/exe/rails new --edge my_edge_app`
`cd my_edge_app`
`bundle install`
As of October 30th…