I've tried both xception and resnet-101 backbone. The resent-101 backbone is working fine but when using xception backbone, results are very bad. And even, training for longer making the resulting ima…
The title says it all.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/envs/tensorflow_p36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow_core/python/framework/importer.py", line 50…
I retrain the deeplab part and the result is 61% for baseline while 66% for dcn. This is a lot below the official result. I only changed the gpu to 2 and remove the multiprocess in loader. Anyone know…
Can you provide the model_urls under /models file
I run the code on pascal voc2012 augment with resnet_v2_101, but the miou of training result is only about 0.153。 Please tell me what caused it? thank you.
Hi, I have a question that how I can retrain the model without pretrained weight? And how many images should I prepare with resnet-101?
I got this error when convert ResNet-101
ValueError: Layer weight shape (131072, 1000) not compatible with provided weight shape (2048, 1000)
Please help me
Following up on https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq/issues/759#issuecomment-589498214, it would be great if Faster-RCNN could be used directly, so we could input images instead of pre-computed features…
During simulation with ResNet, a segmentation fault occurs at gem5.
I created ResNet pb and pbtxt file by running smaug/experiments/models/imagenet-resnet/resnet_network.py
All configuration files a…