serverless project install serverless-graphql-blog
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I'm trying to get ES6 and ES7 to work within my handler and lib functions. Locally it all runs fine, but when I deplloy, the lambda functions are returning errors.
Here is my s-function.json file:
Serverless: Installing Serverless Project "serverless-starter"...
Serverless: Downloading project and installing dependencies...
In the JAWS demo at AWS re:invent 2015, at about 32:00 (https://youtu.be/D_U6luQ6I90?t=1920), the presenters show how you can enable/disable optimization.
Since then, the Jaws changed to serverless, …
Hello there! serverless 0.5 isn't working here:
fn = function () { throw arg; };
Hey there! Gz for the update for v0.5.
So I'm in the process of setting it up. First of, I think that the readme should specify that in the `s-function.json` one should have `"runtime": "nodejs",`.
serverless project install serverless-graphql-blog
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i am trying to use mysql module in code
mysql module is located in `parent_folder_of_all_lambda_function/node_modules` folder
i am using that module in `parent_folder_of_all_lambda_function/lib/data…
Unsure of what the exact issue is and why it cannot find the modules `node_modules` when doing browserify build:
JAWS: -------------------------------------------
JAWS: Dashboard: Deploying Lam…
I'm getting some issues after deploying the project and hitting the endpoint.
sdm:serverless41xx9q standayweb$ serverless dash deploy --debug