Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/I94vBZrvyiRS6dbZioKu6I/SocioMatic?type=design&node-id=117%3A12337&mode=design&t=2ov74jBxmyAwX3B7-1
We have a molecule component inside component/molecules name Sect…
The Dropdown component will close when a item is clicked so i prevented the closing action on click and instead used the click as trigger to open the dropdown but the input fields inside the dialog do…
I'm getting this error for awhile when trying to install select component. I've tried to restart my IDE, reinstalled npm/yarn but still getting the problem. Also, I restarted my computer and make sure…
很遗憾, 并没有发现我自己用的舒服的组件库. 所以目前的基本ui还是使用tailwindcss 手写
Hello, I'm having problems building an app on Vercel. Dark mode is not working. I've tried every way (I even took a look at the issues created) and it still doesn't work. Can anybody help me?
The september columns are not available
## Features Added @1.0.10
- ShadcnUI
- Home Hero Background with title
In the current implementation of the repo the server and react file are placed in the individual apps. The issue with this is that I need to access TRPC Router from the components. I moved the react a…
I try to use pnpm to setup a project following [this document](https://ui.shadcn.com/docs/installation). Firstly, I added `pnpm create next-app -e https://github.com/shadcn/next-template` in the `cmd`…
Attempting to install via `npm i @chimera-ui/components` fails on Windows with the following error message:
PS [removed]> npm install @chimera-ui/components
npm ER…