I'm investigating Snow Owl's support of SNOMED ECL (Expression Constraint Language). In the frontpage [readme](https://github.com/b2ihealthcare/snow-owl/blob/277bf10eafa71f7ea7d0a203f18830d40c9…
The endpoint specified in the API README [using-the-api.md](https://github.com/IHTSDO/snowstorm/blob/master/docs/using-the-api.md)
`Find concepts by ECL query: http://localhost:8080/MAIN/concepts?ecl…
a question on search, my scenario is searching labels (descriptions) of concepts, filtering by ancestors (my ideal response should contain description/label matched and its concept_id):
- I …
Compared results from snowstorm 2.1.0, 2.0.0 as well as current sct-snapshot-rest-api and OntoServer and there are some differences. See: https://confluence.ihtsdotools.org/display/SLPG/ECL+and+groupe…
It looks like the `Accept-Language` header is not correctly applied on the `findConcepts` API. I'm using Snowstorm version 4.5.1 with the dutch dataset loaded.
**Reproduction steps:**
(replace {HO…
While playing around with the FHIR API (using the GET endpoints only) I suddenly started getting timeout responses. This then turned into the whole application being unable to load. After restarting t…
We are trying to use snow owl with a dedicated ES service.
We set the clusterUrl like so:
port: 2036
socketTimeout: 60000
High level summary - after importing the SNOMED International version followed by the SNOMED Veterinary Extension some relationships are missing from the child branch created for the extension when th…