From Course-Fundamentals created by [SallyMcGrath](https://github.com/SallyMcGrath): CodeYourFuture/Course-Fundamentals#15
### Coursework content
From Coursework-Planner created by [nazaninsaedi](https://github.com/nazaninsaedi): nazaninsaedi/Coursework-Planner#37
From Course-Fundamentals created by [SallyMcGrath](https://github.com/SallyMcG…
The develop branch is behind main and will cause code loss and conflicts if merged into main. The cause for this is that the lower branches used for development of specific functionalities were not co…
No `s`
mlick updated
8 years ago
From Course-Fundamentals created by [SallyMcGrath](https://github.com/SallyMcGrath): CodeYourFuture/Course-Fundamentals#15
### Coursework content
### Title of the resource
Improving quality assurance and development efficiency with regression testing (use case digital edition)
### Resource type
Hosted Resource
### Authors, editors and contr…
The document would include
Introduction, Uses in various software applications , Functionality, Purpose...etc.
Please assign it to me @captain-sal
Written on 09/20/2016 10:00:35
URL: https://dmitripavlutin.com/the-path-of-software-development-craftsmanship/
### User Story
As a software developer, system engineer, or architect that will want to use this library and its dependencies for integration into a part of my system, I want clear documentation abou…