I'm starting to get this error on Android 7.0, specifically on Galaxy S7 Edge.
at android.app.ContextImpl.bindServiceCommon (ContextImpl.java:1521)
at android…
NBAMj updated
4 years ago
the microphone is detected by the `arecord -1` command and works when it is recording sound. but when using this module it cannot turn on and detect sound, im using a logitech webcam c170 as a microph…
All speechRecognition methods trigger the error callback and get returned "Invalid Action" as its only parameter. I had to downgrade to version 1.2 for the methods to work again.
flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/speech_recognition-0.3.0+1/android/src/main/java/bz/rxla/flutter/speechrecognition/SpeechRecognitionPlugin.java uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Is it possible to handle multiple commands matching a spoken text?
As I understand the API, if multiple commands match (which can happen easily with wildcards etc.), many callbacks will trigger in un…
The cast stops the warning but is it correct? [self.speech setDelegate:(id < SpeechToTextModuleDelegate >) self];
Unused variable?
//NSString\* jString;
"Caution: The default key provided by SpeechRecognition is for testing purposes only, and Google may revoke it at any time. It is not a good idea to use the Google Web Speech API in production. Even w…
Tagging @endeffects & @jbomhold3 on this.
I am a bit concerned that https://github.com/jsakamoto/Toolbelt.Blazor.SpeechRecognition might be dead. There have been new commits since jun 15th.