### What components are related to the issue?
Other (specify in text)
### Which FDP are you using?
My local instance
### Version
```plain text
Vulnerable Library - spring-data-jpa-1.8.1.RELEASE.jar
Spring Data module for JPA repositories.
Library home page: http://projects.spring.io/spring-data-jpa
Path to dependency file: /pom.xml
Path to…
### Describe the bug
Quarkus is not automatically generating a method to count entities in a one-to-many relationship where the parent entity has a child entity with a specific attribute, without nee…
## Observed vs. expected behavior
When JpaRepository is extended with `QuerydslPredicateExecutor` and `QuerydslBinderCustomizer` and API is consumed it results in `java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:…
## Description 🗞️📕
주문현황 페이지 확인 시 다수의 피시에서 주문 시 서버다운(sse)
## Page 🖥️
## To-Do ✔️
- [x] 스레드 관련 설정 추가(spring.jpa.open-in-view = false)
maven에서 pom.xml 그리고 application.yml을 통해서만 jpa에 대한 설정 완료
현재 test 실행시 org.apache.ibatis.binding.BindingException: Invalid bound statement (not found): data.repository.MemberRepository.save 발생
Member E…
I would like to import the classes using a http url which references a jar file:
final JavaClasses javaClasses = new ClassFileImporter().importUrl(
new URL("jar:https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/o…
记录一下在 SpringBoot 2 中使用 Gradle 整合 QueryDSL 以配合 JPA 查询。
> Java 17
> SpringBoot 2.7.7
> Gradle 7.6
> QueryDSL Version 5.0.0
最终目的是提供两个 Restful API:
* `/` 路由提供用户列表
* `/{id}` 路由提供用户详情
## 重点
spring 관련 기본설정은 이를 참고하자.
spring.jpa.properties.*: Additional native properties to set on the JPA provider…
- Annotations
- OneToMany
- ManyToOne
- Enbedded
- ElementCollection
- Link
- https://www.callicoder.com/hibernate-spring-boot-jpa-one-to-many-mapping-example/
- https://w…