There are a few frameworks that should be integrated into this project:
- Springboot (to provide kinda beans container)
- Jackson (to operate with JSON, it can be helpful for statistic results and …
The Convert.registerConverter method is Deprecated, what can i use to register custom converters?
I try with @Transaction and @Rollback,but none of them is work.
### 数据库-数据
``` java
select user_id,user_Name,login
from user_info
where user_id = 1
### 实体
Is not no longer updated, 1.6.0-RC3 has now been a long time
I could try using AutoValue with a custom sql2o builder, could be faster / more maintainable
Problem when try to run test new structure of DAO and service package.
Trying to get the api running, had to fix some errors before;
too many connections; set idletime to 10 to fix it and increased mysql max connections
then i got
`Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.excep…