List of issues preventing moving forward on moving Swift 6.0 support out of an experimental state:
Swift issues:
- [x] https://github.com/swiftlang/llvm-project/issues/8998
Details: Swift…
### Description
A completely normal class is crashing with `@MainActor` applied.
### Reproduction
public final class DrawObject {
fileprivate let window: Window
Hey there, I have a React Native application that I need to modify some files of the native iOS app of. I tried the Switft plugin, but every time I open any Swift file or try to do any action - naviga…
I use GzipSwift in one of my projects, where I need to run [cdxgen](https://cyclonedx.github.io/cdxgen/#/). However, when I run the command, I get an error, as shown below.
Computing versio…
Hi, this is a bit of an odd one. I think it’s something you might be fix, but I’m really not sure where the misconfiguration is.
GitHub Dependabot links to the Swift repo instead of this one when i…
Hi @dtsiflit!
Like on `sdjwt` repo I created a PR to replace the Jose library for the (jose-swift)[https://github.com/beatt83/jose-swift] that provides all the encoding capabilities required.
### Description
I have a C++ `std::function` (a `std::function` **with arguments**) which I want to wrap in a nice Swift closure (`(Double) -> Void`), to be able to call it later.
The C++ `std::…
### Reproduction
I am seeing this crash while using the workaround from https://github.com/swiftlang/swift/issues/74609. Here are my current steps to repro:
1. Create a Swift Package.
2. Declar…
### **Description**
We are using C++ library in our swift project which has below functions
+ (void)setCplusplusTerminateHandler:(CPPExceptionHandler)handler {
Swift has a SE to make SwiftPM support it. But it is currently "Returned for Revision".
> https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/main/proposals/0403-swiftpm-mixed-language-targets.md
I wa…