I have noticed that on the [tacotron2-work-in-progress](https://github.com/keithito/tacotron/blob/tacotron2-work-in-progress/hparams.py#L13) branch the `min_mel_freq` in `hparam.py` is set as 125Hz th…
Since Google colab no longer functions with Tensorflow 1, it has corrupted Tacotron 2 training and synthesis notebooks. Even when I use the Tensorflow 2, it still corrupts Tacotron 2 by not recognizin…
I read you can't publish your multi-speaker corpus.
so I want to train multi-speaker model with my corpus.
how to setup dataset in multi-speaker?
put one traing_data?
and one more question…
I am following quite closely the readme file, but I cannot get the benchmark to run. It seems that a few data sets / files are missing? How can I include them?
Here is the result when I run the doc…
So I'm trying to create my own deepfake audio model using Tacotron 2. I have successfully created the trained model (I think because there were no errors) using Tacotron 2 and google collab. However, …
您好,请问下此版本可以用多gpu训练吗?我修改了hparams.py中num_gpus = 1,train.py中--distributed-run True,然后在train_tacotron2.sh中CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1。
tacotron2 train test wav 파일 png파일 문구와 실제 test wav음성이 다른 것 문의드립니다.
test wave 음성이 train png 파일 문구가 나오는데 이건 원래 그런 건가요? 아니면 세팅해주어야 하는 건가요?
pip freeze 환경 공유 가능할까요?
The alignments after training for 4.2k steps (warmstart: tacotron2 pretrained model) is as follows:
Hi! TensorFlow model is not found. cant install here is the message i got
error: could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow==1.15 (from versions: 2.5.0rc0, 2.5.0rc1, 2.5.0r…
when i ran python synthesize.py --model ='Tacotron'--mode ='eval'--reference_audio ='ref_1.wav' ,an issue occured!
ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'training_data/mels\\speech-mel-00001…