- [x] Vilma to complete references
- [x] Check licenses of all images
- [ ] Proponer estructura del articulo del cluster
- [ ] Crear un cluster basado en cada uno de los ejercicios
- [ ] Agregarle un keyword y optimizarlos en base a la keyword
- [ ] Crear articulos p…
Profe pongale 5
- [ ] create PIO to read pulse
- [ ] translate pulse width to bit
- [ ] translate bit to packets
- [ ] make validator to checksums
- [ ] create interface for main class
- [ ] create sample for ma…
nk24i updated
1 month ago
### 금일 진행사항
1. 할일만들기 강사님 코드 리뷰
2. 일단 컴포넌트별로 화면 만들기
3. 클론코딩 하면서 기능과 데이터 붙이기
4. 화면 안나와서 2-3번을 3회 반복...
### 느낀점
- 왜 안되는거야 하면서 하루종일 고구마 100개였는데, 중괄호 하나를 자꾸 안써서 화면이 안나왔다고 한다.... 매우 열이 받았다고 한…
The guide is filled with lots of todos. We should ensure that these todos are relevant, have issues, and that the todos references there issues directly in the text.
rylev updated
1 month ago
A list of tasks you can do if you want to help the project.
Also you can check out the [issues section](https://github.com/kalaksi/lightkeeper/issues) for bug reports!
Dont forget to reference t…
b1ek updated
7 months ago
- [x] Create a figma design for the VR UI
- [ ] [TODO when working on the backend] Create a database UML model for the backend to handle users, stores and cloud saving (saving each user's store asset…