Location is blocked for other apps (google maps, endomondo, sygic, ...) when traccar client is running.
It is not possible to get location information. Only when traccar client is disabled, then GPS f…
ghost updated
6 years ago
Application cannot start automatically after reboot at my ACER Liquid Z320 device.
It use Android version 5.1.1.
After reboot, when I tried to start with call function it doesn’t respond.
i can get any idea or suggestion as i have beloq query
i have used traccar using opengts db with gt06n version 1 and version 2
1) version1 and version 2 both can work with our traccar gt06n…
I just installed traccar 3.3 and i want to integrate it with openGTS 2.6.0 , i tried to fellow the step by step guide to do it , but it seems that the guide was made for another version of tr…
Hi Anton,
I test new version traccar, good idea fixTime in DB (thank you!), i found in "tracker-server.log" this:
2016-03-13 00:40:28 INFO: [80FBD8B7] id: 1, time: Sun Mar 13 00:40:32 CST 2016…
Im using traccar client on android, I set the location provider as network provider, and it working fine.
My question is how traccar can get my location from network?
I have traccar installed behind reverse proxy. When I make default installation it works with no problems. Proxy is confihured as described here https://www.traccar.org/secure-connection/
After upg…
I modify my cron for backup each night the mysql database
my command line is :
`30 00 * * * /bin/bash -c 'mysqldump --single-transaction --lock-tables=0 -h localhost -umyself -p mypass t…
ghost updated
7 years ago
У меня на телефоне Meizu M5 Note Android 6.0 не корректно работает Traccar Manager версии 2.5
После того как входишь в отчет и вбираешь устройство, Traccar Manager перестает расши…
Я пытаюсь добавить возможность добавление стационарных маркеров на карте для обозначения некоторых здании и их названия...
Я так понимаю изменение нужно сделать тут https://github.com/vitalidze/tracc…