Using `io_bazel_rules_twirl//default-compiler-clis:scala_2_12_play_2_6` I am getting the following error,
vlad$ bazel build //bla:bla-twirl-templates
INFO: Analyzed target //bla:bla-twirl-tem…
Greetings Bat gurus,
I've been using Ccat, for a while, yesterday someone mentioned Bat on a ccat issue, and I like it. I am probably moveing over. That being said I couln't help but notice that B…
## Preparing the release
Better to do this in advance:
* [x] Make sure that other teams inside Lightbend are aware of the upcoming release, even if it is a minor/patch one
* [x] [Lightbend Te…
## Preparing the release
Better to do this in advance:
* [ ] Make sure that other teams inside Lightbend are aware of the upcoming release, even if it is a minor/patch one
* [ ] [Lightbend Te…
lihaoyi test$ tree
├── build.sc
└── foo
└── views
└── foo.scala.html
2 directories, 2 files
lihaoyi test$ cat build.sc
import $ivy.`com.lihaoyi::mill-twirllib:0.2.6`
Is it currently possible to easily use Twirl as a standalone compiler? I would like to be able to use the library to render template strings on-the-fly like the following example (think of Spring Ex…
The README says this project is for use with [rules_scala](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala) but the [play-routes-compiler/BUILD.bazel](https://github.com/lucidsoftware/rules_play_routes/blob…
## Preparing the release
Better to do this in advance:
- [x] Make sure that other teams inside Lightbend are aware of the upcoming release, even if it is a minor/patch one
- [ ] [Lightbend Te…
## Preparing the release
## Do the Release ([Full document](https://github.com/playframework/play-meta/blob/master/releasing/play.md))
- [x] [Release projects that Play depends on][]
- [x] re…
The following in `plugins.sbt` doesn't resolve for me:
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("givers", "maven")
addSbtPlugin("givers.webpack" % "sbt-webpack" % "0.9.0")