Dear all,
Someone has made in /BlissFramework/Utils/Qt4_GUIDisplay.py following changes:
#notebookPageChangedSignal = pyqtSignal(str)
tabChangedSignal = pyqtSignal(int, object)
- [x] Visa for China ***appointment on Thursday***
- [ ] DBS check with [STEM Ambassadors](https://www.stem.org.uk/stem-ambassadors/ambassadors)
- [ ] Report number of MRI scans ***deadli…
Cheeky title, serious question. This is the current state of the `043__a` field in INSPIRE Jobs:
1 Europe / South America
1 Europe, North America
1 North Americsa
1 Noth America
2 …
use [SelectKBest](http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.feature_selection.SelectKBest.html) function to select 20 best features
- clean the format
- string data into cataglory int format
- None or NaN data into -1
- Convert reviews into a list of dictionaries
- Apply sklearn function [DictVectorizer](http://scikit-learn.or…
Balanced will work for withdrawals to U.S. bank accounts, but not outside the U.S. What do we do here? Suggestions?
### Current Status
1. **MassPay**—As a stop-gap while we await the chance to p…
I have a Question,
I have this view and I'm trying to fill it with async data i three places, but I'm not getting this to work properly - it often gets no data in one of the ng-repeats randomly a…
ghost updated
10 years ago
So @dylanegan, airbnb a place? Just the two of us? Seems to be a bunch of one bedroom joints with a sofa bed for ~€35/night.
Also need to get back to Berlin afterwards, maybe via Prague if that goes …