Follow up to https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint/issues/4942.
Currently `stylelint` is not a PostCSS plugin. It uses PostCSS internals like `LazyResult` to go around PostCSS API. And then we cal…
I tried using several methods but couldn't get pass the visitor error.
pipenv run pip install ./visitor
pipenv run pip install visitor
pipenv run pip install visitor==0.1.2
pip install --skip-…
After updating to latest Flutter stable (3.22.1) our app is no longer building.
Running on macOS 14.4.1.
The failing step happens when the script executes the `const_finder` command during the i…
### Dependencies
- #1730
- #542: ~Organizational Dashboard~
- #503: ~Google Analytics~
- After dependency is cleared, read through whole issue and either rewrite or make a new issue that has the …
I cooked up a match/case version of a visitor pattern from the PEG parser. This is in a function that computes and prints FIRST sets for the grammar. (It is not used as part of the PEG generator, thou…
Would we want to create restrictions for what the visitor sees since the user stories only specify the authenticated user?
Would they only see the welcome page?
Should we added visitor analytic on pegelinux.id?
# Crash report
### What happened?
I ran into this while working on https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/126360
Running `./python Lib/test/crashers/mutation_inside_cyclegc.py` built with `--with-p…
trigger: `row, column = pos` (life.py, line 27)
docs for assignment statement in Python [here](https://docs.python.org/3/reference/simple_stmts.html)
docs for ast.Assign [here](https://docs.python.or…
The lint group `rust-2018-idioms` enables [`elided-lifetimes-in-paths`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/rustc/lints/listing/allowed-by-default.html#elided-lifetimes-in-paths). [`Visitor::expecting`](https:/…