As the Watson Developer Cloud iOS SDK grows, it becomes increasingly important to maintain stable code, even as new services and versions are released. This can pose a challenge, in particular, to mai…
In the documentation there is a [case study](http://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/ibmwatson/developercloud/doc/tone-analyzer/case-study.shtml) that requires certain tone thresholds to be hit so that…
There's considerable interest in having the Watson nodes available to be installed outside of Bluemix. Whilst that is possible with the `node-red-bluemix-nodes` module, it does drag in the other Bluem…
var tone_analyzer = watson.tone_analyzer({
url: 'https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/tone-analyzer-beta/api/',
isStreaming: false,
username: 'XXX',
password: 'YYY',
// version_date: '2016…
Since "challenges" has the wrong visual treatment (https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/tone-analyzer-nodejs/issues/5), please check and make sure none of the other words are mis-labeled.
Is inconsistent with what's actually in the SDK example.
document_conversion = Do…
I'm not sure which service (Spotify / Genius) is giving back this oAuth error. I'm logged in Spotify and I have setup Genius API as well.
Que cantó esto?? (Who sings this?)
Hey @germanattanasio and @jsstylos, I think we should target a 1.0 release sometime soon and then start sticking to semver for releases.
Things we want to have before releasing 1.0 (you can edit thi…