- [ ] cluster number counts, without mass-observable relation complications
- [ ] cluster number counts, binning by observable mass proxy
- [ ] cluster lensing power spectra
@dannygoldstein @tcollett What's the plan for making the strong lens systems for DC2? In Twinkles the sprinkler worked by finding a CatSim galaxy and then turning that into a background source galaxy,…
The weak lensing results will be competing with Euclid which has a similar start date. There are several surveys that have been "skimming the cream on weak lensing science", including CFHTLenS, PanSTA…
Specify the atmospheric dispersion in the filters. You mention that going for wider passbands would make this worse but do not give the magnitude. And call it "atmospheric dispersion", not "chromatic …
All, the discussion in issue #261 has gotten quite far off from the topic of that issue (checklist for cosmoDC2) and I would like to put together a list of options here that we have to consider to mak…
Review of
LSST: from Science Drivers to Reference Design and Anticipated Data Products by Ivezic etal... 60 Mbytes!
This is a paper describing the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope and its science g…
Right now the python interface has a lot of arguments that are redundant, polymorphic, or multiple ways to do the same thing. This is a lot of work to maintain and makes the API more confusing. Let's …
CosmoDC2_5000 will be delivered in healpixel files covering 1 octant of the sky, over 3 redshift ranges (0-1, 1-2, 2-3)
Here is the slide from the DC2 telecon (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/…
Same level as models, summarizer. Contains datatypes and weak_lensing_functions
We would like to show only a subset of the masked pixels. For LSST, the mask bit values can be found with following the instructions [here](https://pipelines.lsst.io/v/DM-11392/getting-started/display…