One of the biggest causer-of-issues I've noticed for gwsl is that users have WSL1 installed instead of WSL2.
Could gwsl run a check, notice if WSL2 is installed, and if it's not, give the user an o…
root@Lappy2:/home/mk/chia-plotter# export DRIVE=q; /home/mk/chia-plotter-2/build2/chia_plot ac8e0... 85b... /mnt/$DRIVE/ChiaPlotter/ /mnt/$DRIVE/ChiaPlotter/ 2 7 2>&1 | tee /mnt/c/Users/mk/.chia/…
Steps to reproduce:
* Open a wsltty terminal
* Run `ping.exe localhost`
* Press ctrl-C
Expected outcome:
* Ping is aborted
Actual outcome:
* Nothing happens
wsltty version: 3.5.4
This h…
Last time we checked Plasma worked OOTB in WSL1. It'd be nice to be sure of this, confirm it for WSL2, and maybe even add it to CI.
We should also develop step-by-step instructions for getting sta…
Hi! xonsh is the best! Thanks!
I've made a try to run xonsh on Windows 10 WSL2 Ubuntu 20 and found that it works fast from root but slow from user.
In Linux and WSL1 xonsh works perfect for me.
`[hoshi@localhost aur]$ ping google.com
ping: google.com: Temporary failure in name resolution`
For fun sake, probably getting systemd working without PID 1 probably should fix the issue, so I ass…
On my WSL setup I get an issue when I run the code below. It hangs indefinitely on `response = self._proc.stdout.readline()`. This also happens for the simpler example given in another [issue](https:/…
WSL1 以后基本上会被逐渐抛弃,至少没有什么人会用了。本项目是否有对 WSL2 的完整支持呢?
Arch 已经不存在于官方应用商店。希望 manjaro 能扛起大旗。
**Describe your problem**
The WSL2 should be trivial to support since it is a Linux running inside the virutal machine. But natively supporting Windows looks chanllanging:
- [ ] we may need to m…
### Windows Version
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22000.1696]
### WSL Version
WSL version: Kernel version: WSLg version: 1.0.49 MSRDC version: 1.2.3770 Direct3D version: 1.608.2…