Thumbs on approaches
- https://github.com/honzajavorek/cs-apis/wiki/Kurzy-devizov%C3%A9ho-trhu-%C4%8CNB
- https://www.themoviedb.org/search/tv?query=Westworld
- https://omdbapi.com/
- http://www.geonames.org/export/ws-…
I think adding the yelp dataset would be very helpful. From my experience many professors use it data analytics classes, programming for data classes, machine learning classes ect....
Here is the …
upon displaying restaurants, create event listener (hover or click)
fetch index and return w query selectors
display reviews to html
I think there is a strong use-case for releasing pre-generated Zeus Typescript types for popular GraphQL apis released as NPM packages.
- Github
- Gitlab
- Shopify Storefont
- Shopify…
This ties in with several other cards here, and improves on them by getting more in-depth information from the Yelp API. We will need to investigate if there are any costs, or major blockers to using …
I did it, sir... “/cc @chug2k”
-find and link apis
* [x] Take picture
* [x] Confirm picture
* [x] Process picture
* [x] Gather location information
* [x] Find pizza places near user & ask to checkin
* [ ] Create checkin db entry, create relations…