If you put a SegmentedControl into a `ViewCell` which is part of a `ListView`, and then rotate the device, the `SegmentedControlOption`s are once again added to the control, causing a duplication. Ro…
On UWP, FlipView native control has background colour inherited from the default XAML style.
This means the FlipView has default background color of "#19000000" even if the CarouselView BackgroundC…
If you put in release mode your app and deploy it the carousel view doesn't show up. Also happen in your demo. Any advice on it?
Thank you very much
If Content = null is done on the OnDisappearing of the Page on which CarouselViewControl is located with ItemsSource set, "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an …
After updating the control, it seems to throw generic exceptions on android projects only.
Hi Alex,
After upgrade to version 3.0.2, we have issues with some Xamarin.Android.Support... dll's.
Xamarin.Forms needs all your Xamarin.Android.Support dll's on version 23.3 and your CarouselVi…
When trying to build the app with v3.0.2 the system throws an error:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Exception while loading assemblies: System.IO.Fil…
If I update to version 3.0.2 I have the following error (3.0.1 is ok):
`/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Xamarin/Android/Xamarin.Android.Common.targets: Error: Exception …
I have three segmented control and I set
TintColor = Color.White,
SelectedTextColor = Color.FromHex("#0f2e48"),
I have, instead, blue color when I select the first and the third o…
I've the following setup (it's a bit complex because of the design I've to follow):
1. StackLayout with child that is a
2. AbsoluteLayout with child that is a
3. StackLayout with ch…