This came up at the last meeting as something we thought was on the issue tracker, but wasn't. So... is this something we want to do? Is somebody already working on it? Have we made any decisions abou…
2016/01/20, 第三循环第四次, 总第十六期 -> @ComMouse
- [x] @at15
- [x] @swaylq
- [x] @arrowrowe
- [x] @ComMouse
- [ ] @xsfour
- [x] @LukeXuan
- [x] @gaocegege
- [x] @tq5124
According to Brad Green at ng-conf 2015
> the first production Angular 2.0 app at Google will ship in May 2015.
Is there any timeline estimate to support Angular 2.0 in "generator-angular-fullstack"…
May I ask:
What was the reasoning behind using a comment thread for student profiles vs using markdown files in the repository?
It seems like a file in a repository is more 'tangible'...because we d…