I know the ArcGIS authorization tokens expire but it is a PITA to have the set token disappear and require re-authentication every time I reset my session within R.
I have a revised, and re-revised…
**Describe the bug**
Unable to use the arcgis mapping module
Import Error: Cannot import WebMap from arcgis.mapping
**Platform (please complete the fo…
I hope this is good channel to ask question related to HSL ArcGIS service.
##### My task :)
I have need to query new HSL zones ( [Uudet vyöhykkeet](https://www.hsl.fi/uudetvy%C3%B6hykkeet) …
Kunnen we het e-mailadres veld leeg laten in de REST call? (http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/arcgis-rest-api/index.html#/Create_User/02r30000024z000000/)
**Describe the bug**
Using very basic and simple conda commands, I wish to create a new "empty" environment (or even clone the original), but this fails with a DLL error, specifically: `ImportError: …
**Describe the bug**
We recently had an issue with our domain's intermediate SSL certificates. When instantiating a connection to our Portal using arcgis.gis.GIS(), it would cause the python environm…
I cannot find any module that could publish a survey using excel template. I want to use a standard excel template to publish a survey123 form with a feature layer and web map.
CesiumJS is updated every month. There have been a lot of API changes in the past two years, including additions, subtractions, and name changes. So I hope to add some version information to JSDoc and…
how can I add local data to heatmap layer by json fomat with arcgis api, but not from features?
[This record ](https://geodiscovery-dev.uwm.edu/catalog/WaupacaCounty-42285013f3c1486ea6c19de9fe0f4dc0) links directly to a download. Probably not what people want to happen. I will have to check this…