[Vellejos Group Logo - Development.pdf](https://github.com/VallejosGroup/OurWebsite/files/4117531/Vellejos.Group.Logo.-.Development.pdf)
Hi! I'm trying to use the SleepScoreMaster to determine different states from lfp. The function runs fine. However, output prompt shows "Figure Making Error".
Thanks in advance!
To whom it may concern,
We are a group of graduate students passionate about scientific programming and reproducible and open science methods as part of the [UofT Coders](http://uoftcoders.github.i…
I get the following error when submitting directly on the command line on our HPC server.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): std::bad_alloc
CGNAT updated
5 years ago
The simple classification of references versus application ontology is ambiguous and no longer very useful. At the operations committee on 3/7/17, we discussed having a type of checklist for classifyi…
1. get all open access fulltexts
2. extract all HTTP links
3. release as a big list of http links and the papers they came from
herbert von sompel did a similar thing in http://journals.plos.org/…
I'm seeing an issue on shutdown when having multiple headless instances. I haven't had a chance to hunt this down further. Here is the exception:
Exception ignored in atexit callback:…
I want to use this only to process my flim stack data, how? Is there a tutorial? thanks!
# User Research for Pnoi-phone
[Google doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CzP1eZl8WoXUVuopGokpI1PDxSk6botkT5DTZRBjLoU/edit?usp=sharing)
> following is a sample document...
# User Research Repo…
Hi, I am trying to use vcf2diploid but I got this error :
Working on Scaffold10...
Unknown chromosome Scaffold10.
Working on Scaffold11...
Unknown chromosome Scaffold11.
I do…