Note that the breakage might actually be in carbonzipper or carbonserver.
Carbonzipper and carbonserver from latest master.
I would like to test this setup next to standard graphite-web setup, but i have some problems.
2015/08/30 13:27:14 starting carbonzipper (develo…
Hey, and thank you for all your help!
Im running carbonserver in conjunction with carbonzipper and it would be a great help to me if you colud provide a list of args that the app takes so i can confi…
Hey, sorry to raise an issue, i didnt know of any other way to get in contact though. As mentioned in my previous issue would love to discuss some architecture with you around scaling / maintaining fr…
If you query against carbonzipper on your frontend graphite webapp, how does it handle backend servers going down? In the traditional graphite stack, I have run into issues whereby the webapp slows to…
What license is this and carbonzipper under?
carbonserver has a mode to produce json data instead of pickles. Since json is more efficient (and clean) for Go to produce, it would be nice if zipper could read json instead of pickle, to probably …
Hey this looks like a sweet project. I had been toying with the idea of writing a go implementation of carbon-cache and this appears to be just that. It'd be nice if your project had some minimal amou…
Hi Damian, can you tag a new release so I can build, deploy, etc? I want to give carbonserver a spin in production today :D