**Describe the bug**
Creating cas without typesystem shares the default typesystem
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Create two casses with `cas1 = Cas(); cas2 = Cas()`
2. Ad…
**Environment (please complete the following information):**
- Version: ``
- Visual Studio: `Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2017 Version 15.9.12`
- OS: `Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Standa…
L'oeil qui affiche si la couche est visible ou non a une échelle fonctionne mal.
cas1: lors de l'ajout d'une couche avec une échelle d'affichage définie via la RECHERCHE, oeil n'est pas grisé même …
Thank you!
Could build using python 2.7.15.
New issue:
$ cd macsyfinder-macsyfinder-1.0.5
$ sudo python setup.py install
running install
moving build/lib/macsypy/config.py.tmp -> build/li…
Hello. The following sketch does not compile and throws error 'connect_to_wifi_jb' was not declared in this scope".
However, when I comment out #include to //#include
then the sketch compiles co…
**[Original report](https://bitbucket.org/icldistcomp/parsec/issue/218) by me.**
The issue is more severe than initially thought:
LLSC support is not propa…
// // Initialize phpCAS
phpCAS::client(CAS_VERSION_3_0, config('cas.c…
I'm trying to add CAS to my cluster and im testing it locally. this is how my docker-compose looks like:
version: '3.7'
image: cas
- 8080…
Dear all,
I'm testing the authentication on my client CAS server using CAS2.
The serviceValidate failed to re-validate the given ticket, but I don't understand this issue. Do you have any idea of …