You need to add localizations in multiple languages for the app :->
This is the link that I will post updates in the future.
Screenshot in bug of Chinese Localization :-
Currently the app only supports English. Please add support for other languages and start with Hindi and Vietnamese. Also integrate with the FOSSASIA organisation on weblate.org.
The localization folder is empty now, despite me playing the Chinese version.
In the U.S. there is a substantial primarily Spanish-speaking community. We should factor the page to support localization, and then have a spanish-language localization version.
The second larges…
**From Claudia**
We talked about this in the beginning, but I just want to make sure: we (= me as the admin) need to be able to customize all the menus (it needs to be in Chinese in the end).
Missing Localization.
Currently the Hall of Legends object is displaying the object in English, and not in Chinese.
Try to make it possible to swap live, so we can have a language switcher on the login page as well, otherwise is Ok too
Look into a way to make this community-led (LingoHub)
# Localization - ![简体中文][CN] Simplified Chinese (简体中文)
## To Be Done by :octocat: contributor
* Some helpful reading
* [Readme on localization][lclztn]
* [Quickstart guide to localization…