Para escalar, precisamos ir documentando nossos componentes em um styleguide,
isso vai depender do padrão que vamos usar no CSS, mas tem [esse exemplo usando atomic design](http://afonsopacifer.com/de…
I thought about button outline and realised that toggling .btn-outline is better that switching .btn-outline-danger to .btn-danger while changing the parent background. my suggestion is to use…
Podemos criar um repo para organizar um style guide para o código, mantendo um padrão para tudo o que escrevermos.
Hi, on Arch Linux creating doc via 'make doc' fails, I have attached the log:
(PS: I had to replace sphinx-build with sphinx-build2 in build/FindSphinx.cmake)
_No such file or directory: '../examples…
I ran nosetests using 3.5 today and found two major incompatibility errors in the code:
- the built-in function `xrange` does not exist in python 3. Instead, the function `range` (which creates a stat…
Maybe we should also use a coding standard for CoffeeScript. Some resources I found:
- https://google.github.io/styleguide/htmlcssguide.xml
- https://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/coding-standards/…
Refer to http://codeguide.co/ to see how to organize your content within the body tag
- Missing closing html tag
- missing closing body tag
- elements are outside of the body tag
- dobot should be in …
The Drupal style guide has been changing over the years and I think it is time to look at adopting a new one. I have been looking for something that is close to our current coding conventions, but is …
Let's use either the `logging` module or `astropy.log` for logging, and `warnings` for warnings. These models can handle very consistently, for example, the redirection of warnings to certain files or…
## Syntax
(mostly from mdo’s codeguide.co):
- Use soft tabs with two spaces
- Use only lowercase
- Nested elements should be indented once (two spaces).
- Always use double quotes, never …