Not many for now, but it would be interesting to see how many ComBot instances are alive at a given time.
- Edit Messages, New Mentions and More
Since now all messages can be edited in any chat within two days and as typos are common on mobile and happen, I think TeleIRC should start handling them someho…
Telegram admins have been round the clock active. The efforts to keep spammer/scammers at bay and the conversation focused on the tech, as opposed to the market, seems to be working. \
The organic g…
Include .png, .gif, .jpg, .txt for now
As of creating this issue, combot doesn't load images from the jar
Create some sort of logger that makes it easier to look at the console and also tracks time, and saves to ~/ComBot/logs/.log or something
Change any system.outs / e.printStack t
Probably config options too:
У нас есть очень активный чат сообщества, https://t.me/drupal_rus . Предлагаю его поместить в шапку drupal.ru.
@mbaev , Semantics, и др. там модераторы, более 260 человек, самый активный чат в пос…
Para hacerse una idea de la actividad del grupo / de cada usuario.
The RChain_Africa is geared towards the following goals:
* Bootstrapping RChain cooperative platform in Africa.
* On boarding potential African developers to RChain's ecosystem.
* On boarding,…
When we congratulated the 100th user on joining the rchain_coop group he asked, "What do i get?". The response was: 100 RHOCs. So we sent the guy 100 RHOCs. Now the group is already at 190 members. It…