From email:
we developed an API that pulls Covid19 case data from all official sources for all states in Germany.
Here: https://public.fusionbase.io/explore/covid19-germany/data
Our dataset i…
While I am trying to read the raw data to run a model there is a slight mismatch in the sequence/number of rows. For example in files time_series_covid19_confirmed_global.csv and time_series_covid19_d…
the first record in this csv file looks wrong. It says there were thousands of confirmed, recovered, etc. on 2020-01-01. Probably somthing was mixed with 2021.
1. Cluster raw Covid Data by flowcell
2. Put all samples belongs to same flowcell together
3. Using the same folder structure as CGR inhouse data
4. Using the same naming rule to re-name each raw …
Hea avaandmete kasutaja
COVID-19 avaandmed (https://www.terviseamet.ee/et/koroonaviirus/koroonakaart) on olnud avalikkusele kasutamiseks juba enam kui aasta. Tänu sellele on loonud infograafik…
For more information and comprehensive guidance see the excellent article from Kirsten Langendorf -
## Repo
Jiros updated
3 years ago
Make apple mobility data available from R.https://www.apple.com/covid19/mobilityIt's already a CSV, so very easy to wrap it.Want to include this in your package @nacnudus?Or in NCoVUtils @seabbs?
Given the need to track local vaccination statistics, I would like to create an enhancement using whatever public available data. So far, this is not included in the county report, but can be found he…
### Describe bug
I used yfinance to get news from different companies listed on various stock exchanges using method **news (.get_news())** and it worked very well.
However, starting from March 20…
Vietnam data class is suffering from a timeout for all CI actions. It looks like the source website is down.
> `open.connection(con, "rb")`: Timeout was reached: [covid19.ncsc.gov.vn] Connection …