As ProtoDUNE VD prepares to begin data collection, I think it would be helpful to gather all action items. @YoannKermaidic
How detailed should our data analysis be? Do we need to conduct statistical tests such as ANOVA or T-tests on our data or will explanations of what we find using histograms or other graphs suffice?
Add some used by [...], calls per day and so on.
I've added the behavioural results
It seems like the manipulation for valence worked very well, not that good for arousal. There are some participants for which the correlation of valence is very l…
This portion will rely on the tools and techniques I research in order to construct a methodical approach to analyzing the data I gather not just from firmware extraction, but also from network traffi…
This project seems really interesting! My childhood self would've loved to analyze beetle shapes. I read a little bit about generalized procrustes analyses and think it is cool that you can perform th…
In challenge ['Use classes to abstract out data loading'](https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/python-intermediate-development/33-code-decoupling-abstractions/index.html#exercise-use-classes-to-abs…
- [x] Perform analysis with experimental data, see #17
- [ ] Compute state via gyro, see #20
- [ ] Compute state via accel, see #21
- [ ] Calibrate IMU axis, new PR
Hi everyone,
I've been playing with your library (mainly with `Traffic Analysis` methods), amazing work !
I have a couple of suggestions.
## DataFrame
Instead of keeping the raw forma…