Hi @paldepind ,
Just to let you know that i tested snabbdom with the Evan's [todomvc-perf-comparison](https://github.com/yelouafi/todomvc-perf-comparison). i used 2 implementations:
the first is fr…
In the `switchS` you pass `suppressEarlierFirings=true` to `listen` (Cell.java:426). Why?
It would be convenient to have some tools out of the box for assessing networks complexity, computational cost, resources use etc without need for the user to do it 'by hand'. Do you think the followi…
I'm trying to tackle ordering within aggregations. This is relevant for some aggregations like `arrayAgg` and `stringAgg`. The [postgres documentation](http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/functi…
#### Summary:
Systemic bug in Stan inference engine
#### Description:
As demonstrated in [C-K Hur, A. V. Nori, S. K. Rajamani, and S. Samuel, "A Provably Correct Sampler for Probabilistic Programs"]…
Hi Heinrich,
I'm confused as to why the model needs the concept of start times.
Isn't it possible define the model more simply as something like this (warning : code complies, but not tested):
Here some common errors I meet in my code:
1. forget to call `addClanup` for the result of `listen` - the computations graph will be GCed.
2. `send` inside `listen` - Exception
3. forget to call `defe…
What's the purpose `defer`ring and `split`ting a `Stream`?
What are the semantics of those operations?
It all reeks to me as a broken abstraction since every `defer`red `Stream` creates its own tran…
I've noticed that the following change to `updates`, https://github.com/SodiumFRP/sodium/commit/20e5428ccff38e88775ec1ab993dac85c504d814 by @pyrtsa , causes a program of mine to become unresponsive.
I'm not sure if the idea of the same `Event` firing many times "simultaneously" has that much real use. Doesn't it make the model harder to reason about? If there's an `Event` that could yield many va…