How to combine two extensions such as "devtools" and localstored"?
How can I configure this in the same state? In the documentation it is not clear.
Thanks in advance for any feedback.
1. Passes `install_github`: ✅
2. Documentation builds: ✅
3. Passes R CMD check: ✅
`0 errors ✓ | 0 warnings ✓ | 0 notes ✓`
4. Results of `devtools::test()`: ✅
`[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 8…
### Describe the problem
this is follow up on [go/notes-user-profile-for-devtools-memory-uxr](https://goto.google.com/notes-user-profile-for-devtools-memory-uxr)
It would be extremely useable to s…
# Scope
Given the popularity of widely known packages such as `usethis`, `devtools` and `testthat`, a broader task view for R package development would be helpful to introduce developers to a set o…
## This issue is a:
- [ ] Bug
- [X] Feature suggestion
- [ ] Documentation issue
- [ ] Other (Please Specify)
Need to rename the extension. `m2-devtools` does not make it clear that this exte…
Currently we have [the feature](https://github.com/jhen0409/react-native-debugger/blob/master/docs/debugger-integration.md#developer-menu-integration) just use `originalXMLHttpRequest` to replace XHR …
React Native Debugger app version: 0.11.9
React Native…
shuch updated
3 years ago
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the page https://test.long-travel.live/20150623_0711_croatia/
2. Pay attention to the type layout in the DevTools Elements
Actual result:
1. In each Standart bloc…
### Remove `pension_multiple_page_response` Feature Toggle and default all multiple response list loop patterns to the multiple page response pattern
#### Description
Remove the `pension_multiple_pag…
### Environment
- Operating System: Linux
- Node Version: v18.20.3
- Nuxt Version: 3.13.1
- CLI Version: 3.13.2
- Nitro Version: 2.9.7
- Package Manager: npm@10.2.3
- Builder…