hello I'm beginner at coding bots in lua i have basic !ping command. everything is ok bot is online but when i use !ping nothing happens no console log, bot doesn't respond
#### Description of issue
The brigador lost its none lethal function. Its a weird hybrid that plays the none lethal mode sound but does look like a lethal plasma bolt. Recently occured, probably …
#### Идея
На раздумывания об этом меня подтолкнула и такая мысль, что обычным гражданским профессиям не хватает ещё чего-нибудь затейливого в плане возможностей.
Кто же должен варить шмурдяк?
**Describe the bug**
The hyperlink does not work. The domain has been bought and it leads to a 404 page to a random website and not a discord wiki.
Instalei o QGIS 3.16 para utilização do SMARTMAP.
Realizei a importação como demonstrado no vídeo, mas não obtive êxito em demostrar o mapa de fertilidade.
Segue as imagens em anexo para identifi…
Seeing as the Discord bot library we use ([discord.py](https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py)) has been officially discontinued, we should move away from it to some other library. [Here](https://gist.g…
Hi, I ran Discordia's template code, and any time when I say !ping, it says:
`[ERROR] | 403 - Forbidden : POST https://discord.com/api/v7/channels/blahblahblah`
What do I do?
The bot sends an embed, and I want this embed's colour to be the one from the highest role. How can I do it?
Hello, thanks for help in advance, I am a beginner and I barely made a bot that add reactions to his messages, and I want it to detect what reaction did the user click/add
local discordia = require('discordia')
local client = discordia.Client()
client:on('ready', function()
print('Logged in as '.. client.user.username)
client:on('messageCreate', fu…