运行npm run prerender Nodejs报错:
(node:6708) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Invalid key locale from plugin
at C:\workspace\home\umi-example-ssr-with-egg…
Since umi is described as next.js like, does umi support prerendering of HTML pages when build?
I tried the exportStatic option but it doesn't seem to prerender the page.
"name": "egg-react-webpack-boilerplate",
"version": "4.3.1",
"description": "基于 easywebpack-react 和 egg-view-react-ssr 插件服务端渲染工程骨架项目",
"scripts": {
"clean": "easy clean",
We have interest in using react in Rocket.Chat. This ticket is to discuss
- Pros / Cons
- Why you would like to see this
- Suggestions for how to go about this
- Voicing support / Volunteering to co…
plugins: [
locale: {
react-helmet 官网说需要添
> externals: ["react-helmet"]
但是配置的格式和UMI不同, 如何加在UMI的配置中?
如果使用react jsx来做外层模版,则直接renderToStream(``)就可以直接得到完整的页面文档了。而且jsx的写法比起模版引擎的写法无疑要舒服很多。
`Component: () => (require('@/page/index').default)`去加载。
但是现在有一种场景就是,这些前端代码都是单独部署的独立应用,是否可以提供一种机制去加载这些独立应用编译打包后的js,css文件 @zhangyuang
## Describe the bug
I get the the following error:
[ wait ] compiling ...
react-i18next:: i18n.languages were undefined or empty undefined
which appears only on the server (I…
使用npm link在本地调试ykfe-utils时报上图错误,但直接用npm install使用node_modules中的ykfe-utils无以上错误