Python Urlfetch Error: 'GET'
DeadlineExceededError('Deadline exceeded while waiting for HTTP response from URL: https://exhentai.org/',), timeout=19
DeadlineExceededError('Deadline exceeded while wait…
if you can add a delay timer for updating manga's list for FMD like say 3 taps open and add a 30 sec delay timer per use when updating new manga's that are add to the site, which it helps lowing the …
I installed the addon, and opened exhentai to be greeted with the sad panda(after months of staring at blank page). I tried logging in with my credentials, but got a quick red "Auth Error" flash at th…
히토미 몇개 다운받어니 빨간 표시 뜨며 중단되고, 익헨은 다운되다 만게 2개가 주황색으로 뜨네요
Invalid: [hitomi] #-*- [Terasu Mc] LOOK LIKE (2111381)
version: 3.7h (22-01-04 07:19:22 UTC)
platform / locale: Windows-10-10.0.19041-SP0 /…
I am aware of `[hitomi][info] This extractor only spawns other extractors and does not provide any metadata on its own.` but would be nice if a few things could be improved.
The root of the problem i…
### 操作系统(如MacOS 10.15)
### 网络环境(移动,联通,电信,移动宽带,联通宽带,电信宽带,等等..)
### 问题描述(简要描述发生的问题)
>403 forbiden
### 复现步骤(详细描述导致问题产生的操作步骤,如果能稳定复现)
>登录时点击确定就会出现403 forbiden cloudfla…
UMP14 updated
5 months ago
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]
Please make a page jump function.
exhentai 다운로드시 폴더명 형식이 여럿있는데
익헨에 올라온 제목 그대로 긁어 올 순 없을까요?
현재 [Group (artist)] title (series) [lang] 로 대충 만들어서 사용하고 있지만
그룹이나 시리즈가 없는경우 N/A 로
명칭이 변경되어 받아져서 난감합니다.
옵션-일반-폴더명 형식에…
hhsie updated
2 years ago
version: 3.8a (23-01-06 05:25:55 UTC)
platform / locale: Windows-10-10.0.22000-SP0 / ko_kr
order / group / uid: 93 / False / 4a4dc4243ec14dcdafa1ec3fe0a32e08
input: https://hitomi.la/doujinshi/mc-g…